Tuesday, 21 June 2011

23 things for professional development

23 things?!

Why is cpd so important?

The book world is changing so rapidly that there is a need for those of us who work in it to undertake cpd, I like to think of that as continuous professional development. If we are not continuously learning and applying new information then we are not going to be capable of supporting our clientele.

This course is just one of the ways in which I intend to keep ahead in my profession.


  1. Hi
    I'm hoping that I'll learn stuff and also make contacts. I've always been a firm believer in "it's not what you know, it's who you know" and this is a brilliant opportunity to do both. Good luck with cpd23!

  2. Hi there! I totally agree - there's so much going on in libraries that sometimes it can be tough to keep up. My current job as a Repository Manager doesn't involve hard copy books at all - not something I envisaged when I decided to train to be a librarian! I think this course is a great way of keeping ahead and learning as you go.

  3. Greetings, Margaret, Anna and Nikki!
    Very nice to meet you and start a whole new network here of like-minded and interesting folk.
    Kind regards to you all from (kind of cold) downtown Brisbane tonight : )

  4. Sorry to have two goes at this -- just wondering why my profile pic didn't show up first time. (Please excuse me trying it out again here, please just disregard it as my 24th thing.)
