Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Falling behind?!?!?

There is just so much to do to keep up with everything. Continuing professional development requires a commitment of time and also of space to complete, or leave, as required.

My current position entails being at different campuses, not always easy to remember where you need to be and at what time. This makes things more difficult with CPD as there is no place to leave things and know that you can come back to them tomorrow. I am finding that I take a large bag with me to work, it includes a number of things I am reading and information on other things that I need for my job. It means that there is no spot that I can consider as "the space" for doing my professional development.

When I was a student I had my desk at home, and woe betide anyone who disturbed the arrangement. This just doesn't work anymore, not helped by having two teenagers in their last year of secondary education. Lots of things to distract me at the end of the day. Anyway, I have now read the "things" that I haven't kept up with and will check some of them out and then blog.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Things 4 & 5

Thought I would do these two together. Thing 4 was about the use of social media such as Twitter. This was an area in which I had completed some exploration, having been a user of Facebook for quite a while. I also had RSS feeds from some of my favourite sites, just didn't have the time to read the interesting articles! Twitter allowed me to receive feeds from some of the same places but in 140 characters. This gives quick pieces of information that may promote specific articles that are of use, without having to lumber my way through large blocks of text.

Thing 5 is about Reflective practice. I think that this is something that all life-long learners tend to do. We look at what we are learning, think about it, see what we have accomplished well, what we feel we could have done better and identify new strategies or information that we need to use for the next learning curve. The actual writing down of this can become tiresome if it is done for every learning task, but the reflection on our travels is useful across all of our life.